Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jus got back from field camp..
It's tough i swear and we get fucked almost every single day..
And most of the time i dun even know why we deserve it..
But i know eventually it is for our own good..
I believe these 6 days out in the wild,
have bonded many of us..
It also showed the true colours of many..
Good or bad, we are from 1 section, the same platoon..
We fight, sweat, endured hell together..
And we taste joy, satisfactory and success together..
Its one of the toughest experience i'v ever had..
But its also one of the best of the many i will have..
I'm jus relieved we all pulled thru these..
Now wad awaits us is jus merely SOC, IPPT and SIT Test..
I believe we'll get stronger physiclly, mentally and spiritually..
Kinda random but, combat ration taste like crap after the third day..
Had biscuits and water for all 3 meals for the last 3 days..
Hope i have lost a couple of kgs though...
Happy halloween people !!
5 weeks to POP !!!
Can't wait..
Can't imagine how fast time flies..
One moment i was emo-ing over a broken heart,
Now it's already 8 weeks into BMT..
No photos to post ppl..
Sorry for the boring wordy posts..
Bare with it yeah?

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