Thursday, September 10, 2009

Letting go..

Hey people who acutally still reads my blog..
Its now open to all once again..
I'm sorry i had to shut it down for a period..
I had to..
And during the meantime,
I took time off anything else that keeps me busy..
And evaluated my life..
The purpose and goals of living in this damned world..
Life's not always a smoothe sailing..
Up and downs are compulsary..
From those, i'v learn how to treasure life..
Learn how to love my life..
And most importantly lead a life..
Which not only benefits myself..
But people whom cared for me or I cared for..
Letting Sand go..
Getting her to disappear from my mind..
It was tough..
Nothing is easy when love is involved..
I still dream about her every single night..
They were beautiful dreams..
But the truth is..
They are nightmares in disguise..
So why STILL suffer when i'm single now..
I'v alr suffered a hell lot when i was with her..
So since there's something in life which i'm not happy about..
It hurts so much more..
To remain as frens after a r/s...
Knowing that..
Deep inside your heart..
You still love her..
Yet she can't be yours..
And to watch her become other's..
It's like stabbing your heart a million times..
That pain was i guess, too much to take..
Rather be un-aquinted then fren..
So why do i wan her back as a fren now..
Contradicting ain't I..
I believe it's because i may have stopped loving her..
The same thing with norine..
But this time it was, jus I thought..
She used a fake bf to screw me over..
So now if I see that fuck face out there..
Dun think i'll ever forgets how he looks..
I'm gonna end his career..
I'm fucking gonna do him in..
Humiliating me on msn?
Who the fuck does he think he is to actually lecture me..
OLD me coming back..
Forget it..
I dun deal with childish people..
People who have nothing better to do..
Other then FUCK ard with other ppl's r/s..
And there's no such thing as "if only" after a break up..
Cuz normally couples would be like,
"If only u had been this, or that.. Things won't be like this."
Its totally nonsense..
If only can stretch back a long way to...
Before we even knew each other?
Or even to before we are born..
So if your ex tells you..
"If only you are..."
Cut her or him short and say fuck off..
That is the most appropriate thing to do..
Oh well.. Enough said..
I wish her the best for everything she does now..
The show is over..
I no longer need to act anymore..
Getting her to hate me for life..
And to pull the plug and cut off all ties..
It's all achieved..
I knew i won't be able to do it...
Knowing myself.. my capabilities..
There's NO WAY i can forget her on my own..
So resorting to hatred..
Its the only way..
I'm still glad things turned out this way..
She no longer needs to cry to sleep every night..
Which i dun even know how much truth there is in that..
Jus got home from Zouk..
Many bros ps-ed me..
But me, i'm never short of brothers..
Of cuz..
I had fun with the remaining ppl who came..
Thanks all for giving me this fantastic farewell..
Endding it with a loud bang !!
Sure u guys did...
Tmr is my last day in singapore..
Will be moving to tekong for 13 weeks..
Because i cbf to take NAFA..
I had to serve extra 4 weeks...
Anyway.. Jus some requests i have..
Nice bunkies...
And commanding officers pls..
Shi min
I hope by the time i get out of tekong..
You'll be a happy girl again..
All the best..
All my frens and relatives
I'll take care of my wound..
Dun worry..
I'll chiong all the way as promised..
And Dun worry..
NO Detention Barracks FOR ME AS WELL...

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