Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Today was special..
Cuz it's my mum's birthday !!
So dad brought us to have dinner at the marina bay golf club..
The view from the cafeteria was amazing..
You can see the new casino hotel , the ferries wheel..
And the whole of suntec business area..
As night came, the ferries were lid up and the beautiful colours jus made the night even sweeter..
Dinner was good..
Salad, Corn soup, Tauhu goreng, fried rice, and rounding off with a mug of cold tiger beer..
Sis had dory fish and trust me..
It tasted so good...
Then we had the cake and candle blowing session..
Was too full to finish the cake so gave mine to mum as a present..
Hahas.. talking bout presents..
I'm really an asshole...
I didn't even realise it was mum's birthday today until she told me..
I had plans alr.. so quickly i cancelled all of them..
I swear i'll take time to walk ard and shop for a present for mum..
I jus wanna tell her I love her so much...
Where i am today and who i am..
Its all her credit..
Anyway after dinner with family...
Went to meet [ ] in town...
walked ard the new mall ION...
It was big and smells new..
Hahas.. Soon after wanted to go meet sniff.. S
Sam's cus... But he was at his frens..
So after sending [ ] home, took a cab home...
She stays near marine parade so i had the crazy idea of ...
Well.. going to chai chee dr..
But decided it was a bad idea..
So eventually went home...
Then did the usual,
Poker on facebook with josh,
Dota, Watched another couple of love stories..
Well.. i was glad we talked today..
Even for jus those 7mins..
But so wad...
She is so determined like norine and jiayi..
So i guess its no point pushing anymore...
And i knew things would escalate to this...
Well.. I'm having a bad sore throat now,
hurts alot while smoking,
had a fever and flu as well..
Wad is wrong..
How come keep falling sick these few days...
Anyway.. P !!
It was a pleasure knowing u.. =D
I was glad jon asked me to go for that survey thingy..
Really helped me a big step forward and away from...

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