Friday, July 31, 2009


I had my previous post removed..
Thinking that its abit to immature..
and its humiliating for her..
I dun wanna do that cuz i won't gain anything...
I dunno wad to feel...
Being in this boat for so many times..
Karen dear was right...
I never once had any clean breaks with any of my exs..
I have to let go of this one..
She feels me up with anger..
Showing me things i dun wanna see..
But i should think straight..
I'm happy she's found someone so soon..
She's no longer mine..
I am not suppose to feel anything..
Not suppose to even know wad's going on with her..
Ryan.. you can do it.. come on...
It's jus another ordinary girl you'v got to let go..
She dun love u at all now...
She's going ga-ga all over her new toy...
So jus forget it.. Okay?
I should really have patience..
It would be different then...

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