Saturday, July 25, 2009


Hey peeps, jus got home from a long night..
hahas.. alright..
Let's see wad happened last night...
Left home at ard 7pm,
went to hub to meet gina..
The plan was that she acc me for dinner before i head off to zouk,
But my boys were at a bbq party..
So decided to kill some time with gina since it's been awhile since we last met,
So went to watch this movie "Murderer"..
Gina bumped into her sec sch fren and so we decided to watch it tgt..
The show was really erm.. Bloodthrob..
It was very bloody and very amazingly filmed..
Arron kwok was the main and half way thru we all thought he was the one..
Ends up, he wasn't but still he had to bear the consequnces for crimes he didn't commit..
Anyway, after the movie..
Went to S11 for dinner..
Along dinner, we chatted alot of stuff and it was quite a good feeling to savour..
Then had to go off..
So train-ed to town and cabbed to zouk..
Met mel, and she intro-ed a few other frens to me..
One of them happenly is paul 2hill..
My latest new celeb fren..
He's a nice guy after all..
hahas.. after all the talking and stuff..
got to know him better..
Same poly we went to, same area we stayed at..
So went to velvert with them first..
Then the boys came and the party begins at phuture..
The night was amazing..
There so many hot chicks..
Hahas... And bump into few church ppl whom i did not expect to see..
I was like wtf are u doing here? cell?? lols..
Anyway.. after clubbing..
went to josh's for poker..
And lost $19 bucks.. lols..
It was totally not my night..
Anyway, jus bus-ed home..
Dun intend to take any rest cuz in a few mins time i'll be leaving for soccer..
Pretty hardcore eh?
Yeah i admit..
Sometimes, u jus got to tired urself out...
I was talking about me..
After wad i was made to go thru for the past 2 weeks..
It's still bothering me alot..
Really.. Even when i was jus lost in the music at the dance floor..
She would always out of the blue came into my mind...
And many ppl gave me the credit for even pulling thru it..
ppl like alex, gina, nick, josh is one mf who told me jus to fuck care gals..
LOL.. advise from a 17yr old.. oh.. he jus turned 18.. lol... sry bro..
anyway.. to love someone is to let her go right..
I was smart enough to realise now that was i did to try to get her back,
was totally stupid..
it jus showed my immaturity and childishness..
And wad sean said did make sense..
Realy wanna thank the dude for talking me out of doing more stupid things..
Things so stupid that only RYAN ANG would do for a girl..
Alright.. maybe i should jus lie down and rest my body..
all the dancing really take the youth out of me man..
LOL,, wad am i saying.. I'm still a youth for god sake..
Alright.. to end this post...

It's not i'm not willing to...
I jus did not get the chance cuz u had to head home everytime i went to pick u up...
Oh boy.. can't believe we'r still here...

Some photos from club night !

Kel and me.

Josh, Alex, Me ( i look like shyt), Ben.

josh and me at the counter

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