Friday, July 24, 2009

Heart talk

Took 1hr of today's time,
Talked to buddy boy for an hour,
and his right, we'v ben thru alot of shit..
so this can't jus bring me down..
cuz i'm stronger then this..
We both are...
They are jus gals..
They'll nvr understand wad its like to be us guys..
Feeling the heat all the time...
Well.. i can say it's true that we enjoy happiness only after sadness..
It's always been that way..
Bros before whores !!!
And gal.. it's gonna apply in ur case..
no matter which guy u dated..
Anyway, heading out for poker now...
See no reason to stop since i got this far..
plus i'm free to do wadever..
so i'll jus be it..
Clubbing night tonight.. =)
hopefully ur papi here will get laid tonigth..
alright !
ciaoz !

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