Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another day spent at home..
Doctor's, parent's, relative's, brother's, friend's advice..
No one wants to come out and slack with me now..
All wants me to rest at home..
I know u guys care..
But i'm stronger then this yo'
One, 21 guns !!!
Lay down your arms, give up the fight..
Ain't this song rock !!??
In the morning, Aunt came..
Bought me essience to help me recover faster..
Then afternoon Sheng called..
Said tonight brothers all gathering..
Going pub drink..
Wanted to go if not for my wound..
So didn't go..
Stayed at home..
Ken jus called..
Going down to slack with him for abit..
Oh yeah...
Haven smoked for like 5 days???
OMG !! 5 !!!!???
I'm still alive !!!
Ciao !

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