Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm missing her like mad..
She's probably trying very hard to hide that evil laughter seeing me in this state..
But oh well..
Whenever i felt emo,
I'll call ppl and talk..
And they always never fail to remind me of the reasons why i should jus walk away..
With so many better girls out there..
Girls that have a future..
I jus wad i'm feeling now is tempo..
It'll go away someday..
I just hope every tmr will be that day..
Alright forget it..
Whole morning dota with Ah Sheng..
Long time nvr see him le..
Last time i saw him was at Ah seng's wedding..
Where i saw my ex as well..
But she was fucking dao..
Think pondering if i should go meet them later..
Going to pub..
Like abit waste of money leh..
If i can get over norine..
How difficult would it be trying to forget girls that doesn't match up to her standards..

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