Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm lost for words..
After 6mths..
This is the end..
Like wtf..
We'v been thru so much..
And this is how we end up?
You running and hiding behind the screen..
Trying to convince me that its all my fault..
That you did nth wrong..
This is the last thing i needed..
To be wronged..
I did not spread things about u online..
It was a conversation between me and my frens..
Others overheard..
Its different from delibrately spreading rumours..
Its different..
I was pissed off to the max..
But i didn't take it out on you..
I tried to lose my cool behind your back..
I didn't wanna look like a pitiful idoit in front of you..
I hated you back then for being such a unloyal bitch..
But now.. today..
I hate you for fucking lying..
You think its fun??
I tried my best to come back..
And u got to destroy all the faith..
Fuck you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Before u told me u had a bf..
We were still on talking terms..
We were still okay..
You still calls me on the phone..
There wasn't any hatred..
But u chose that path..
U created all the hatred between us...
U made me hate the girl i loved the most..
The one girl i thought of spending my life with..
You destroyed it all..
every single one bit of it...
But i'm glad.. You taught me values..
You taught me how impt my family is to me..
You brought me back to reality..
You taught me how not to hurt my parents again..
How not to defy them..
And you yourself??
I can picture that priceless look on ur mum's face,
when she sees wad her precious has been doing out there..
I dun regret all these doings..
I hated you..
And it will go on..
Even if i see you on the streets..
You ain't worthy for my eyes for i never lay my eyes on

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