Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Love is not everything..
Your individual self is..
During this 1month plus after the break up..
I'v indugled in watching movies..
Love stories, comdies, horrors and action movies..
Of these.. I got inspired by quite a few movies..
Life is a journey, a story..
And most stories get a happy ending..
And my story, i get to decide the ending..
So no.. Of cuz i wan a happy ending as well..
So at this age..
I can't be blinded by love..
Jus not yet..
There's so many things to be done..
So many places to explour..
So many advantages ahead in wait...
And i dun wanna end up a loser..
So first, i got to change my attitude..
Be it towards family, frens or my lover..
The attitudes i had were all wrong..
And i need to make adjustments..
And i will..
Finally, i'v straighten out..
No gal of mine now is ever more important then myself..
I'v hurt myself bad enough..
and if i continue..
I'll only end up having to recover from relationships again..
It's jus a waste of time..
So before i get my adjustments made..
I'm staying out of the danger zones..
I'm jus gonna live my life right..
And be as knowledgable as i ever be..
That is supposely how i wan my life to be..
So no more silly thoughts and harassations..
(If that is even a word).
I'm gonna cook myself some food..
Getting a lil hungry now..
Oh yeah..
My circle of frens are expending like mad now..
Rather cool..
As the saying goes..
"When one door closes...
We tend to look too closely at the closed one
and yet not discover the open door
that's waiting for us.."
It's time i consider my options..
And walk thru that open door..

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