Sunday, August 16, 2009

Was working this whole day..
Yong seng's job intro..
Jio-ed Wh along..
Was at the padang the whole day..
Saw Conray..
Now i'm tanned..
But only my arms and face..
Wore jeans and it was bloody hot..
Anyway.. Started at 8am.. Ended ard 6pm..
Cabbed home with Wh..
Had dinner and then went up to his place for EPL 09/10's first game.
Which hull should have drawn with chelsea.
But wadever.. Heck it..
Betted heavily on one of the matches tonight..
Good luck to me.. Hahas..
I miss her..
But so wad?
So fucking wad??
I'm really a joke man..
Some of you might wanna take joke as a jerk..
I'm fine with it..
I so wanna call her..
so wanna hear her voice..
But time over and over again..
I'm reminded by the things she did..
And said..
And it was good enough to stop me from carrying on that mistake..
Now hoepfully..
I can get to meet some gal who respects her own body..
And most importantly,
Respect me as a bf..
Not as a standby only needed to dry those tears..
Or warm those cold legs..
Who says a better girl won't come along?
Who says??

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